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Split Earlobe

Introduction to Split Earlobe

Pretty earrings make your face stand out. But not so much when the weight of the ear-rings gradually makes the ear holes large. 

Formation of Large Earring Hole:

Depending on the skin firmness and elasticity and of course the weight of the earrings initially there is ear stretching, then the ear holes gradually enlarge. 

Heavy earrings with a very thin stud or hook i.e. the part of earring which goes through the earlobe, cuts through the earlobe faster enlarging hole in the ear and sometimes may cause ear-splitting.

The best way of closing the hole in earlobe is ‘ear hole surgery’.

Get in touch with us to correct your enlarged ear holes or split earlobes. 

Factors causing enlarged Earholes


Weight of the Earrings

Heavy ear rings with Thin stalk or hook tend to cut through more easily. Thus an ear ring with a thicker hook or stud is preferable if your ear holes have a tendency to enlarge.



During the natural process of aging, the skin gradually loses collagen and elastin fibers which give strength, elasticity, and tightness to the skin. 


Genetic Makeup

Shape and position of various parts of the face are also linked to our genetic traits like the shape of the nose, eye color, eyebrows, lips etc.



Smoking accelerates the natural aging process by restricting the blood flow to the skin. This increased aging of the skin and decreased collagen and elastin fibers result in the loose wrinkled skin.

What is earlobe ?

The soft lowest hanging part of the ear is called earlobe.

When is the right age for Ear Piercing ?

Wearing an earring or jewelry of any other design on the ear by females is common throughout the world as it aesthetically enhances their looks. In India traditionally, early in the life of a girl child Ear Piercing is done. In some places, it is celebrated as a traditional ceremony. 

How to wear heavy earrings without stretching ?

As earlobe support, one can attach a chain or thread to the earring and wear it over the ear which takes away the weight of earring to the top of the external ear. Another good practice would wear an earring with a thicker central hook. Broad hooks decrease the drag on the soft tissue and prevent the earring from cutting through.

Medical Solutions

Available Treatments


Earlobe Repair

Earlobe repair is a precision cosmetic surgery performed to repair large ear holes or split earlobes. Aging, gravity, and weight of the earrings gradually enlarge the ear holes. Depending on the skin firmness and elasticity and of course the weight of the …

Skin, Laser, Hair Transplant & Cosmetic Surgery Clinic

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