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Uneven Skin Tone

Introduction to Uneven Skin Tone

The skin of our face is not monotone. There is a subtle variation between dark and light regions which gives the face character and interest. But the difference between darkest-dark and the lightest-light is not much. It is ever so slightly with a smooth merging of the two without any sharp demarcations. 

Due to aging and hyperpigmentation that typically appears on the upper cheeks, upper lip, forehead, and chin there appears sharp borders and the skin tones begin to look uneven. 

Book a consultation and discuss your treatment options to correct uneven skin tones and make your face glow again.

Factors causing Uneven Skin Tone


Sun Exposure (U.V. light)

The foremost reason for skin color changes is exposure to sunlight. It is a very good idea to protect oneself from direct as well as indirect sunlight by using sunscreen and protective measures.


Female hormones (estrogen and progesterone) sensitivity exacerbate and maintain hyperpigmented states. This is exactly what makes it difficult to treat because not much can be done for the hormonal influence.

Many conditions require treatment with external hormonal therapy. You may or may not be able to stop these and will have to consult your physician for the same. 


Genetic Makeup

Tendencies for pigmentation changes and hyperpigmentation may run in families and a prior knowledge of susceptibility can help you employ preventive measures beforehand.

Sun protection is the mainstay treatment for pigmentation changes. Once the pigmentation has settled in, Chemical Peel, Lasers and Light Therapy are used to remove pigmentation and correct the Uneven Skin Tone.

Medical Solutions

Available Treatments



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Laser Therapy

Lasers are highly concentrated beams of light which carry light energy to the target tissue. The mechanism of Lasers is easy to understand. Just like a piece of paper absorbs sunlight and heats up according to its color …

Chemical peel

A Chemical Peel treatment is a process to improve the appearance of the skin of face, neck, and hands by applying a chemical solution to remove the outer damaged skin revealing a new skin layer with …

Skin, Laser, Hair Transplant & Cosmetic Surgery Clinic

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