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Frown Lines

Introduction to Frown Lines

Expression of anger is controlled by a few muscles present between the eyebrows. These are the Corrugator muscles on the sides and Procerus muscle in the center, these cause the middle vertical wrinkles which make us look angry or annoyed.

Unwanted activity of these muscle causes wrinkles or permanent lines on the forehead and in between the eyebrows which makes one look angry and annoyed although they may not be angry at all. A smooth forehead conveys calm and a composed personality.

Types of wrinkles

Dynamic: These appear only when the muscle moves to express an emotion. These are treated with Botox anti-wrinkle injection treatment which prevents the muscles from contracting.

Static: These are permanent wrinkles that stay even at rest and are exaggerated when the muscle moves to express an emotion. These are treated by a multi-modality approach. Botox anti-wrinkle therapy is instituted to prevent muscle contraction which prevents exaggeration. and Fillers injections or Fat Fill Procedure is done to correct volume loss and smooth out the forehead skin.

At Kalpana Aesthetics we evaluate the entire face as a whole and suggest the best-customized treatment plan for you.  

Factors affecting the Face Aesthetics



During the natural process of aging, the skin gradually loses collagen and elastin fibers which give strength elasticity and tightness to the skin. The skin gradually thins out. The muscle activity is more visible through the skin.


Genetic Makeup

Shape and position of various parts of the face are also linked to our genetic traits. like the shape of the nose, eye color, eyebrows, lips etc.

Muscle Activity

Aging of the skin along with muscle activity creates various wrinkles and distortion of the youthful anatomy.


Smoking accelerates the natural aging process by restricting the blood flow to the skin. This increased aging of the skin caused as decreased collagen and elastin fibers results in a loose wrinkled skin.
Medical Solutions

Available Treatments


Wrinkle Injection

Botulinum toxin injections are used to treat the fine wrinkles of face over forehead, eyebrows and around the eyes. Purified Botulinum toxin preparations have been safely used for wrinkle treatment in the past three decades. Helping many …


As we age our skin loses its youthfulness. Technically this is called ‘Volume Loss’. Decreased skin elasticity along with volume loss causes wrinkles, deep nasolabial folds, hollow cheeks, hollow under eyes and downturned mouth. Fillers restore  …

Skin, Laser, Hair Transplant & Cosmetic Surgery Clinic

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