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Liposuction: The Complete Guide to Everything You Need to Know

Liposuction is a surgical procedure done to slim and reshape specific problem areas of the body. The extra body fat is loosened and suctioned out. It is performed to enhance a person’s body shape aesthetically. It helps to remove stubborn fat that is resistant to diet and exercise.


Since its inception in the 1980s, Liposuction procedure has captivated both the surgeon and the artist alike. With the potential to dramatically reshape body contour liposuction has become a favourite cosmetic surgical technique throughout the world. It is safe, effective and very affordable.

We present to you a guide for understanding this procedure in detail.

If you are interested in finding out the details yourself, Read on. Or you may directly book an appointment.

Liposuction can be thought of as a sculpting tool for enhancing the body appearance by chiselling out extra fat like the lower abdominal paunch, double chin, hanging arms, love handles, blouse rolls, thighs, hips and buttocks etc.

Liposuction is often combined with other plastic surgery procedures, such as a facelift, breast reduction or a tummy tuck.

Some factors like the genetic makeup and ageing are beyond our control. Even after vigorous exercise and a proper diet, some localised accumulations of fat do not disappear. These stubborn fat lumps can be removed by Liposuction.


Who is an ideal person for Liposuction?

Any adult person with bodyweight within 30% of average body weight, firm elastic skin and good muscle tone. Who has localised lumps of fat and wants to enhance his/her aesthetic appearance may be considered for Liposuction surgery. Loose skin may not shrink entirely and in such cases abdominoplasty is recommended.

Liposuction is only advised in otherwise healthy individuals who have no other health problems like heart disease, renal disease, diabetes, weak immune system etc. In such cases, proper consultation and an extensive discussion with the treating physician is mandatory to define the risk-benefit ratio clearly.

An important point to remember is that Liposuction is not a tool for weight reduction. It is not a substitute for dieting and a healthy lifestyle.

Liposuction does not treat cellulite—the dimpled skin that typically appears on the thighs, hips and buttocks.

People having unrealistic goals and wanting to reduce weight through Liposuction are not ideal candidates. They will be very unhappy with the results because of two reasons. Firstly, the person will not see the desired result, and secondly, fat deposits in other areas of the body will enlarge and give an ugly appearance.

So, If extra fat deposits, not responding to diet and exercise are bothering you Liposuction may be the right solution for you.

So, Why would you need liposuction?

The first question that crosses the mind is that why would I need liposuction to get back in shape as you so clearly stated that the procedure is not a treatment for obesity or weight reduction. Can’t I just exercise instead of undergoing liposuction?

The answer is not that simple.

Before coming to any conclusion I want you to understand the concept of Stubborn fat.

Stubborn Fat –  You will know when you have it. Trust me it is the most frustrating thing in the world. No Matter how much you diet or exercise, stubborn fat does not disappear (except when you start starving, like following the keto diet, which by the way I don’t advice). Usually, such fat deposits are seen on the belly, neck or arms. They may also be hereditary in some cases.

What are the body areas for liposuction?

Liposuction can be performed on most of the body areas safely. The most common areas are Arms, Belly, Thighs, Double Chin (neck), Love handles, Blouse roll. Most of the times liposuction of the areas is combined.

the real question is how much fat can be removed from the body in a single surgery session?

Only 5% to 8% of the body weight can be removed safely.

So, full-body liposuction may not be possible and multiple sessions may be needed to contour the body.

First Step

The first step is to book an appointment and talk to us. Talk about your expectations, the options, the risks and benefits, and the costs. Ask all your questions. We are a trained team of specialists dedicated to making your entire body transformation journey as comfortable as possible.

You need to tell the surgeon about any allergies you have and any medications you take, including over-the-counter and herbal supplements.

What happens in Liposuction Surgery? What should I expect?

Single or small area Liposuction is carried out at the clinic itself under Local anaesthesia. You will not feel any pain, but you will be awake throughout the procedure.

Large or multiple area liposuction surgeries are carried out under general anaesthesia, you will not be awake during the surgical procedure.


  • Pre-Operative workup – includes Consultation, Routine Investigations and pre-anaesthetic check-up.
  • You are asked to come to the designated centre, on an empty stomach, at least four hours before the surgery.
  • Before the procedure, the surgeon marks areas on your body and explains to you the procedure in front of a mirror you may ask all your questions and doubts at the time. We also take some pictures for record-keeping and before-after comparisons at the same time.
  • You are taken to the surgical suite. After the surgery, you will wake up in the recovery room.
  • You will feel very sleepy for another four to six hours because of the effect of the anaesthetics.
    Depending on the time of surgery you may go home the same day or would have to stay overnight.

How is the surgery performed? (super simple explanation)

Few small 4-5 mm incisions are given along skin folds. Liposuction is then performed through these small incisions by specialised cannulas and suction machines which slowly suction out only the extra fat and minimal amounts of other tissues, cells, blood, and serum. In a single surgical session, only 5% – 8% of total body weight can be removed safely.

How long is the recovery of a liposuction procedure? (After procedure instructions and precautions)

  • Immediately after the surgery a dressing and a tight garment are applied. The dressing is removed by the 5th day after surgery, but the tight-garment / pressure-garment has to be worn for two more months. It reduces swelling and helps the skin to contract correctly.
  • The patient is allowed a full oral diet 6 to 8 hours after surgery.
  • There may be areas of numbness or discomfort during the initial period of healing similar to any other surgery. There will also be swelling which subsides gradually, and most of it disappears by the 3rd week.
  • There may be slight bruising at Liposuction sites, and some areas may feel hard to touch. This resolves by 4th month as the healing phase completes.
  • The patient is asked to perform the minimal activity during the first few days after that activity is gradually increased and a full routine is resumed by the 3rd week.
  • Light exercise is started from 3rd week onwards and gradually increased.

Please read and follow the Post Operative Instruction sheet carefully.

Dr. Vishal Purohit

Dr. Vishal Purohit

Cosmetic & Plastic Surgeon

Dr. Vishal Purohit is a board-certified Plastic Surgeon practicing in the Pink City Jaipur, Rajasthan. He is well versed in Cosmetic Surgery, Facial Aesthetic Surgery, Reconstructive Surgery, Hand Surgery, Microvascular Surgery, and Burns Surgery.

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How much pain is there after Liposuction procedure?

After the surgery, the effect of local anaesthetic and analgesics used at the time of surgery gradually wear off. As soon as the patient starts to perceive pain Pain-killers are administered, either as injectable or orally for up to 5 to 10 days depending upon patients pain tolerance. Most patients describe it as discomfort rather than absolute Pain.

When will I see the results of my liposuction surgery?

You may begin to appreciate the results from around 2 months after the surgery although it takes 6 months for complete tissue remodelling and appearance of final results. Tissue healing takes 4 to 6 weeks. There will be mild swelling for 2 weeks. Sutures are removed on the 5th-7th day after surgery.

What are the risks and safety considerations of Liposuction?

Liposuction is a safe surgery with more than 4 lakh surgeries performed the world over each year. Like all surgical procedures, there are certain risks involved related to the operation, anaesthesia and sutures. Please read the Liposuction Informed Consent document wholly and thoroughly to understand the risks involved. Discuss your doubts at length.

Is Liposuction Covered By Health Insurance?

Liposuction is a cosmetic procedure, most health insurance plans don’t cover it. Talk to your insurance agent for more details.

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