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Thigh Fat

Introduction to Thigh Fat

Deposition of extra fat may happen all over the body like thighs, abdomen, arms etc. Some have more deposition in the thighs and that’s just because of the way their genetic makeup is. 

Body shape is the result of a complex interaction between diet, exercise and our genetic makeup. so, extra fat on your thighs may not be your mistake after all.

Although there is no substitute for a proper diet and exercise. Some stubborn fat lumps are almost impossible to eliminate like the lower paunch.

That’s where Kalpana Aesthetics comes in the picture. We provide a customized solution for Body Shape correction by liposuction.

Book a consultation today and discuss your condition in detail.

Factors causing accumulation of Thigh Fat



As we age the skin loses collagen and elastin and becomes loose. Baggy and Loose skin accumulates extra fat.


Our body shape is also dependent upon the genes that we inherit. Stubborn fat may reside at the arms chin, love handles, tummy etc.


Extra fat deposition due to more calorie intake is the foremost reason for flabby arms. When we eat more than what the body needs all the extra energy is stored as fat. Hereditary factors in combination with extra fat deposition causes thigh fat.

Medical Solutions

Available Treatments



Liposuction is a surgical procedure where the extra body fat is loosened and suctioned out. It is performed to aesthetically enhance a persons body shape. An important point to remember is that Liposuction is not a tool for weight reduction. It is not …

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