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Fat Fill

Overview of Fat Fill

Fat Fill procedure is also known as ‘Fat Transfer’ or ‘Fat Grafting’. It is a safe and effective technique which gives long lasting results. 

Fat Fill is done by taking fat from areas which have excess fat such as outer thighs and abdomen and transferring them into areas which are lacking in volume such as face, hands, breast, buttocks etc.

Fat is harvested from your own body so it is absolutely safe with no risk of reactions or infections. At the same time, the stem cells present in your fat rejuvenate the skin they are injected under. Giving an added advantage to volume correction.

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Uses of Fat Fill

Facial Fat Transfer: Facial wrinkles such as laugh lines, forehead wrinkles, crows feet wrinkles, nasolabial folds(lines between the nose and the mouth), depressed scars, acne scars etc can be effectively treated with fat transfer. Fat transfer can also be used for lip augmentation, chin augmentation, and correction of hollow cheeks.

Breast enhancement: Fat transfer can provide a modest increase in breast volume. Required factors are good breast shape, good skin quality, and realistic expectations. If you have sagging breasts or you require significant enlargement then breast augmentation with fat is not for you. Head over to the section on breast augmentation for more details about advantages and disadvantages of breast augmentation with fat transfer.

Sometimes fat transfer is used along with breast implant augmentation to optimize the breast shape. Or fat transfer may be performed afterward to correct any residual irregularities. Fat grafting is also used to correct breast shape after breast reconstruction surgeries such as mastectomy done for treatment of breast cancer.

Buttock Augmentation : Fat transfer is used to enhance the buttocks and make them more rounded. The procedure is also called “Brazilian Buttock Lift”. This procedure is combined with liposuction to sculpt the surrounding regions as well as harvest fat for transfer.

Hand Rejuvenation : With increasing age hands loose volume. The skin becomes wrinkled and veins and bones become more visible. The old looking hands can be effectively rejuvenated with fat fill treatment. This also improves the quality of skin over time and makes the hands look much younger. 

What are the benefits of Fat Fill ?

  • No foreign substance is used like fillers or implants so there is no risk of reactions or implant extrusion. 
  • Fat transfer gives natural and long-lasting results, unlike fillers which have to be injected after every five months. 
  • Fat transfer is a non-invasive procedure for facial rejuvenation. There is no incision. 
  • Fat fill also improves the quality of skin over time because it contains naturally occurring stem cells. 
  • Fat fill is much cheaper than the fillers and implants and at the same time, it avoids their risks. 

Who is good candidate for Fat Transfer ?

Fat transfer is done to augment or fill in volume-deficient areas. Common areas for treatment are Hands rejuvenation, Face(such as lips, below eye areas, fine wrinkles, hollow cheeks), depressed scars in the skin, for breast augmentation. The results of fat transfer are natural and long-lasting. An ideal candidate for fillers is in good physical health, understands the procedure, and has realistic expectations of the outcome.

How is Fat Transfer performed ?

In a fat transfer surgery, fat is harvested from areas such as the outer thigh and abdomen. It is then purified and injected into areas that require augmentation.

You along with your surgeon will first decide the areas from which fat is harvested. The area is decided on the basis of potential benefits from the liposuction of that area. First, the area is anesthetized with local anesthesia then a small incision (3mm – 4mm) is given in adjacent area. This small incision is hidden in natural crease lines, specially designed liposuction cannulas are used to harvest fat with a completely sterile technique. The harvested fat is purified by centrifugation or filtration techniques and then transferred to small syringes.

The area to receive fat injections is prepared next. The area is anesthetized by local anesthetic if it is small, if the area is big or fat transfer is being done for breast augmentation or buttock lift then general anesthesia may be required. Fat is injected with the help of special fat injection needles which are attached to the small syringes. There is no need to give any incision.

When will i see the results ?

  • You will start appreciating the results from around 3 weeks after the surgery. Although tissue remodeling continues for 6 months after the surgery and complete results are seen after 3-6 months. Tissue healing takes 1 to 2 weeks. There will be mild swelling for 5-7 days.

    Multiple sessions of Fat transfer are required to obtain the desired results because in a couple of months the volume of transferred fat reduces to 50% to 30%. The amount that remains after the final result of each procedure stays for life so that multiple sessions have an additive effect to produce a long-lasting change.

What are the risks and safety considerations ?

Fat transfer is safer than the use of fillers and implants because no foreign material is being placed inside. Like all surgical procedures, there are risks relayed to surgery, anesthesia, and sutures. Please read the Fat Fill Informed Consent document thoroughly and completely to understand the risks involved.

What are the After-Treatment instructions and precautions ?

The small prick created by the needles heal very well without any visible scars. After the desired amount of fat is injected the area may require a little dressing for a couple of days. Like with any other surgery there is swelling for a couple of days which usually subsides within a week.

The area that is treated is not be messaged or rubbed in any way for 2 weeks. depending upon the complexity of the procedure and the amount of fat transferred you will be given post-op instructions at the time of the procedure please read them carefully and follow them correctly for a long lasting result.

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